It's been one hell of a windy season for sure. This year has been blowing and blowing unlike anything I ever seen, making the fishing way more challenging than previous years. All you can do is work with what you're given and figure it out. It's been all about the inshore fishing in the lagoon this month. The inlet has been rough most days with dirty water and rough seas. We've had a few good days to get outside but not many and the snook have not been very productive this season. The fun fighting jack crevalles have been loaded up in the inlet which makes for a consistent catching day drift fishing with live baits. Hopefully the snook bite will pick up at the inlet now that the summer season has started. The big goliath grouper are there so be prepared to lose your snook if you do hook up.
Lately we've been doing a lot of inshore fishing in the lagoon around the spoil islands and backwater areas just trying to hide from the wind. We're catching lots of big speckled trout (gator trout) along with some redfish, snook, jacks, and juvenile tarpon. Shrimp, croakers, threadfin herring, finger mullet, and pogies freelined or rigged with a popping cork has been our baits of choice. Been seeing some monster snook under the docks and schooling in the flats when the water is clean. Finding them is one thing but getting them to bite is a whole other obstacle.
The water has been dropping drastically in the St. Johns due to the lack of rainfall. Airboat rides are strictly in the main river as of now making the back cypress trails off limits until we start to get some serious rain. With the water being so low you have a better chance of seeing alligators as well as other beautiful wildlife all throughout the river. The Three Forks Marsh water level is still good so we can get to anywhere we need for the bowfishing trips. Bowfishing is still on fire as usual with lots of big tilapia to shoot at. The night trips are definitely more productive and easier to see the fish with the lighting. The local bass fishermen love us clearing out the tilapia and gar so lets get out and sling some arrows.
